The Goal
Ghost nets has been a worldwide problem ever since they were popularly used to capture sea life. Im sure you've heard of 76,000 tons of plastic pollution in our ocean, well, 46 percent of it is made up of fishing nets. On average, these nets entangle and harm between 30-40 marine animals per net when left in the ocean.
How do we help?
Through a brand called REEL. This brand allows customers to not only buy things created from recycled fishing nets but also turn in damaged fishing nets for in-store credit. This would not only encourage customers to help retrieve ghost nets but help us to continue recycling.
“We are currently working on a circular environment in which we can recycle the same amount of plastics we produce. We’re making progress in the right direction.”
- Maia McGuire, UF/IFAS Extension Sea Grant Agent
What is REEL?
REEL employs fishermen from poor countries such as, The Philippines to retrieve discarded nets from the ocean floor and coastal beaches. They then take these nets to a facility where they are collected and shipped for recycling here in the United States. REEL then takes that material and uses it as the key ingredient in our products.
The REEL process:
REEL is a brand that recycles discarded fishing nets from around the world into products sold under the REEL brand.